Disabling Autoplay Previews While Browsing

How to Disable Netflix Autoplay While Browsing

Netflix has finally updated its worst feature. For many years the Netflix app on OTT devices would autoplay previews if you paused on a title for a few seconds. It was anxiety-inducing and made reading descriptions very difficult. Often times, I would browse for titles on my computer to avoid the annoyance this feature caused me. With numerous people, including myself, submitting requests to disable autoplay. Our wish has finally been granted. On February 6th, 2020, Netflix has finally given us a way to browse in peace!


Disabling Autoplay Previews While Browsing

To disable autoplay previews is a straightforward process. However, it must be done through a web browser. There doesn't appear to be a way to change this setting from the apps yet.

  1. Log into your Netflix Account
  2. In the upper-right of the screen, click the dropdown arrow and choose Manage profiles.
  3. Select your desired profile
  4. Uncheck Autoplay previews while browsing on all devices.
  5. Select Save

That's it. In the same location, you'll also be able to disable Autoplay next episode in a series on all devices.. I've chosen to disable that feature since I often fall asleep while watching shows.

Disabling Autoplay Previews While Browsing

Alternative Way to Turn-Off Autoplay Previews

While logged into your account via a web browser:

  1. In the upper-right of the screen, click the dropdown arrow and choose Account.
  2. Scroll down to the My Profile section and select Playback settings
  3. Uncheck Autoplay previews while browsing on all devices.

This view also allows you to change your data usage per screen.

Turn-Off Netflix Autoplay Previews